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Рецепт. 2021; 24: 434-444

Цитокиновый шторм при коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19: опыт использования препарата тоцилизумаб

Доценко Э. А., Шолкова М. В., Гуцалюк И. Я., Доценко М. Л., Абушенко В. В., Талан Н. М.



При коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 у части пациентов, преимущественно требующих вентиляционной поддержки, развивается цитокиновый шторм, который приводит к системному воспалительному ответу и полиорганной недостаточности. Одной из стратегий терапии цитокинового шторма является использование гуманизированных моноклональных антител к рецептору интерлейкина-6 (ИЛ-6), в частности препарата тоцилизумаб.

В исследование включен 131 госпитализированный пациент с инфекцией COVID-19, получивший препарат тоцилизумаб в дозе 8 мг/кг через 10 [9; 12] суток после начала заболевания. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы в зависимости от достижения конечной точки: выписка пациента из стационара (95 пациентов, группа 1) или смерть (36 пациентов, группа 2).

Неблагоприятные клинические исходы при использовании препарата тоцилизумаб для лечения инфекции COVID-19 связаны с более старшим возрастом пациентов (57 [48; 62] лет в группе 1 против 63 [52; 69] лет в группе 2 (p<0,011); тяжестью поражения легких (тяжелое поражение по данным компьютерной томографии было у 37 (38,9%) пациентов группы 1 и 28 (77,8%) пациентов группы 2 (р<0,001); большей потребностью в О2 при спонтанном дыхании (7 [5,0; 10,0] л/мин в группе 1 против 12 [9,0; 15,0] л/мин в группе 2 (р<0,001); необходимостью проведения искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ), более высоким уровнем ИЛ-6 (в группе 1 уровень ИЛ-6 составил 67,4 [36,4; 90,3] пг/мл против 127,0 [81,7; 339,1] пг/мл в группе 2 (р=0,002)). Через 6 суток после введения препарата тоцилизумаб по результатам рутинных лабораторных тестов (уровень лейкоцитов, лимфоцитов, соотношение нейтрофилы/лимфоциты, С-реактивный белок, креатинфосфокиназа, лактатдегидрогеназа) можно прогнозировать исход заболевания.

Список литературы

1. Tjuljandina E.V., Piskov D.A. (2019) Citokinovyj shtorm: osobennosti patogeneza, rol' v razvitii virusnoj infekcii. Literaturnyj obzor [Cytokine storm: features of pathogenesis, role in the development of viral infection. Literature review]. Sustainable development of science and education, no 1. pp. 256-260.

2. Shipilov M.V. (2013) Molekuljarnye mehanizmy “citokinovogo shtorma” pri ostryh infekcionnyh zabolevanijah [Molecular mechanisms of the "cytokine storm" in acute infectious diseases] Lechebnoe delo, no 1, pp.81-85.

3. Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A., Gödel P., Subklewe M., et al. (2018) Cytokine release syndrome. J Immunother Cancer, vol. 6, no 1, pp.56.

4. Tisoncik J.R., Korth M.J., Simmons C.P., et al. (2012) Into the eye of the cytokine storm. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev., vol 76, pp. 16–32.

5. Siddall E., Khatri M., Radhakrishnan J. (2017) Capillary leak syndrome: etiologies, pathophysiology, and management. Kidney Int., vol. 92, no 1, pp. 37-46.

6. Lee D.W., Gardner R., Porter D.L., et al. (2014) Current concepts in the diagnosis and management of cytokine release syndrome Blood, vol. 124, no 2, pp. 188–195.

7. Fajgenbaum D.C., June C.H. (2020) Cytokine Storm N Engl J Med, vol 383, pp.2255-2273

8. Tanaka T., Narazaki M., Kishimoto T. (2016). Immunotherapeutic implications of IL-6 blockade for cytokine storm. Immunotherapy, vol. 8, no 8, pp. 959–970.

9. Karateev D.E., Luchihina E.L. (2019) Novye vozmozhnosti medikamentoznoj terapii revmatoidnogo artrita: fokus na sarilumab [New possibilities of drug therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: focus on sarilumab] Al'manah klinicheskoj mediciny. vol. 47, no 5, 461–469.

10. Antonov V.N., Ignatova G.L., Pribytkova O.V., et al. (2020) Opyt primenenija olokizumaba u bol'nyh COVID-19 [Experience of using olokizumab in patients with COVID-19]// Terapevticheskij arhiv, vol. 92, no 12, pp. 47-53.

11. Hermine O., Mariette X., Tharaux P.-L., et al. (2021) Effectiveness of Tocilizumab in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19. A Follow-up of the CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med, vol. 181, no 1, pp. 32-40.

12. Stone J.H., Frigault M.J., Serling-Boyd N.J., et al. (2020) Efficacy of tocilizumab in patients hospitalized with Covid-19. N Engl J Med, vol. 383, no 24, pp. 2333-2344.

13. Gupta S., Wang W., Hayek S.S. et al. (2020) Association between early treatment with Tocilizumab and mortality among critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 181, no, 1, pp. 41-51.

14. Rosas I.O., Brau N., Waters M., et al. (2021) Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia. N Engl J Med, vol. 384, pp. 1503-1516

15. Interleukin-6 Receptor Antagonists in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19. The REMAP-CAP Investigators (2021) N Engl J Med, vol. 384, pp. 1491-1502.

16. Siemieniuk R.A.C., Bartoszko J.J., Ge L., et al. (2020) Drug treatments for covid-19: living systematic review and network meta-analysis BMJ, vol. 370, pp. m2980 Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1136 bmj.m2980 (accessed 20 April 2021).

17. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №488 ot 24.04.2020 «Ob otdel'nyh voprosah okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientam s infekciej COVID-19 (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 488 dated 04.24.2020 "On certain issues of providing medical care to patients with COVID-19 infection”] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/488.pdf) (accessed 12 December 2020).

18. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №615 ot 05.06.2020 «Ob okazanii medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientam s infekciej COVID-19» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 615 dated 06/05/2020 "On the provision of medical care to patients with COVID-19 infection"] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/615.pdf) (accessed 20 May 2021).

19. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №690 ot 01.07.2020 №690 «O voprosah lechenija pacientov s infekciej COVID-19» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 690 dated 01.07.2020 No. 690 "On the issues of treating patients with COVID-19 infection"] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/690.pdf) (accessed 25 March 2021).

20. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №1106 ot 20.10.2020 «O nekotoryh voprosah okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientov s infekciej COVID-I9» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 1106 dated 20.10.2020 "On some issues of providing medical care to patients with COVID-I9 infection"]. Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/1106.pdf). (accessed 25 March 2021).

21. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №1195 ot 11.11.2020. «Ob izmenenii prikazov Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' ot 5 ijunja 2020 g. N 615 i ot 15 aprelja 2020 g. № 433. (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 1195 dated 11.11.2020. “On amendments to the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated June 5, 2020 No. 615 and dated April 15, 2020 No. 433.]. Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/1195.pdf). (accessed 11 March 2021).

22. Glantz S.A. (1998) Mediko-biologicheskaya statistika. [Primer of Biostatistics] Moskow: Praktika.

23. A minimal common outcome measure set for COVID-19 clinical research (2020). WHO Working Group on the Clinical Characterisation and Management of COVID-19 infection. Lancet Infect Dis, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 192-197.

Recipe. 2021; 24: 434-444

Cytokine Storm in Coronavirus Infection COVID-19: Experience of Tocilizumab Use

Dotsenko E. A., Sholkava M. V., Hutsaliuk I. Ya., Dotsenko M. L., Abushenko V. V., Talan N. M.



A  certain  number  of  COVID-19  patients  develops  cytokine  storm,  which  leads  to  the  systemic inflammatory response and multiple organ failure. One of the strategies for this cytokine storm management  is  using  of  humanized  monoclonal  antibodies  to  interleukin-6  (IL-6)  receptor, tocilizumab.
The study included 131 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection, who received tocilizumab (8 mg/kg) 10 [9; 12] days after the onset of disease. Patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the outcome: discharge from the hospital (95 patients, group 1) or death (36 patients, group 2). Adverse clinical outcomes when using Tocilizumab for the COVID-19 infection are associated with older age of patient (57 [48; 62] years in the group 1 versus 63 [52; 69] years in group 2 (p<0.011). 37 (38.9%) patients in the group 1 had severe lung damage according to computer tomography versus 28 (77.8%) patients in the group 2 (p<0.001). In the 1st group, the need for O2 was lower: the flow during spontaneous breathing was 7 [5.0; 10.0] l/min versus 12 [9.0; 15.0] l/min in the 2nd group (p<0,001); and the need for mechanical ventilation was lower too. Patients in the 1st group had lower level of IL-6 – 67.4 [36.4; 90.3] pg/ml versus 127.0 [81.7; 339.1] pg/ml in the 2nd group (p=0.002).
In 6 days after tocilizumab administration, according to the results of routine laboratory tests (leukocyte, lymphocyte count, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, C-reactive protein, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase), the outcome of the disease can be predicted.


1. Tjuljandina E.V., Piskov D.A. (2019) Citokinovyj shtorm: osobennosti patogeneza, rol' v razvitii virusnoj infekcii. Literaturnyj obzor [Cytokine storm: features of pathogenesis, role in the development of viral infection. Literature review]. Sustainable development of science and education, no 1. pp. 256-260.

2. Shipilov M.V. (2013) Molekuljarnye mehanizmy “citokinovogo shtorma” pri ostryh infekcionnyh zabolevanijah [Molecular mechanisms of the "cytokine storm" in acute infectious diseases] Lechebnoe delo, no 1, pp.81-85.

3. Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A., Gödel P., Subklewe M., et al. (2018) Cytokine release syndrome. J Immunother Cancer, vol. 6, no 1, pp.56.

4. Tisoncik J.R., Korth M.J., Simmons C.P., et al. (2012) Into the eye of the cytokine storm. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev., vol 76, pp. 16–32.

5. Siddall E., Khatri M., Radhakrishnan J. (2017) Capillary leak syndrome: etiologies, pathophysiology, and management. Kidney Int., vol. 92, no 1, pp. 37-46.

6. Lee D.W., Gardner R., Porter D.L., et al. (2014) Current concepts in the diagnosis and management of cytokine release syndrome Blood, vol. 124, no 2, pp. 188–195.

7. Fajgenbaum D.C., June C.H. (2020) Cytokine Storm N Engl J Med, vol 383, pp.2255-2273

8. Tanaka T., Narazaki M., Kishimoto T. (2016). Immunotherapeutic implications of IL-6 blockade for cytokine storm. Immunotherapy, vol. 8, no 8, pp. 959–970.

9. Karateev D.E., Luchihina E.L. (2019) Novye vozmozhnosti medikamentoznoj terapii revmatoidnogo artrita: fokus na sarilumab [New possibilities of drug therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: focus on sarilumab] Al'manah klinicheskoj mediciny. vol. 47, no 5, 461–469.

10. Antonov V.N., Ignatova G.L., Pribytkova O.V., et al. (2020) Opyt primenenija olokizumaba u bol'nyh COVID-19 [Experience of using olokizumab in patients with COVID-19]// Terapevticheskij arhiv, vol. 92, no 12, pp. 47-53.

11. Hermine O., Mariette X., Tharaux P.-L., et al. (2021) Effectiveness of Tocilizumab in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19. A Follow-up of the CORIMUNO-TOCI-1 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med, vol. 181, no 1, pp. 32-40.

12. Stone J.H., Frigault M.J., Serling-Boyd N.J., et al. (2020) Efficacy of tocilizumab in patients hospitalized with Covid-19. N Engl J Med, vol. 383, no 24, pp. 2333-2344.

13. Gupta S., Wang W., Hayek S.S. et al. (2020) Association between early treatment with Tocilizumab and mortality among critically ill patients with COVID-19. JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 181, no, 1, pp. 41-51.

14. Rosas I.O., Brau N., Waters M., et al. (2021) Tocilizumab in Hospitalized Patients with Severe Covid-19 Pneumonia. N Engl J Med, vol. 384, pp. 1503-1516

15. Interleukin-6 Receptor Antagonists in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19. The REMAP-CAP Investigators (2021) N Engl J Med, vol. 384, pp. 1491-1502.

16. Siemieniuk R.A.C., Bartoszko J.J., Ge L., et al. (2020) Drug treatments for covid-19: living systematic review and network meta-analysis BMJ, vol. 370, pp. m2980 Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1136 bmj.m2980 (accessed 20 April 2021).

17. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №488 ot 24.04.2020 «Ob otdel'nyh voprosah okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientam s infekciej COVID-19 (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 488 dated 04.24.2020 "On certain issues of providing medical care to patients with COVID-19 infection”] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/488.pdf) (accessed 12 December 2020).

18. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №615 ot 05.06.2020 «Ob okazanii medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientam s infekciej COVID-19» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 615 dated 06/05/2020 "On the provision of medical care to patients with COVID-19 infection"] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/615.pdf) (accessed 20 May 2021).

19. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №690 ot 01.07.2020 №690 «O voprosah lechenija pacientov s infekciej COVID-19» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 690 dated 01.07.2020 No. 690 "On the issues of treating patients with COVID-19 infection"] Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/690.pdf) (accessed 25 March 2021).

20. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №1106 ot 20.10.2020 «O nekotoryh voprosah okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi pacientov s infekciej COVID-I9» (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 1106 dated 20.10.2020 "On some issues of providing medical care to patients with COVID-I9 infection"]. Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/1106.pdf). (accessed 25 March 2021).

21. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' №1195 ot 11.11.2020. «Ob izmenenii prikazov Ministerstva zdravoohranenija Respubliki Belarus' ot 5 ijunja 2020 g. N 615 i ot 15 aprelja 2020 g. № 433. (2020) [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 1195 dated 11.11.2020. “On amendments to the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated June 5, 2020 No. 615 and dated April 15, 2020 No. 433.]. Available at (https://www.bsmu.by/downloads/universitet/lech/2020-1/covid-19/1195.pdf). (accessed 11 March 2021).

22. Glantz S.A. (1998) Mediko-biologicheskaya statistika. [Primer of Biostatistics] Moskow: Praktika.

23. A minimal common outcome measure set for COVID-19 clinical research (2020). WHO Working Group on the Clinical Characterisation and Management of COVID-19 infection. Lancet Infect Dis, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 192-197.